🌿 Budding

The good, the bad, and the Oxford comma

I've been thinking about starting a blog for some time now. Actually, I already have one. It's in Polish and I've posted there two articles.
Not much, but better than nothing, I guess. Anywayyyy, the first thing I did was to think about how my blog would look like,
what technology I'd use, but then something came to my mind. I could browse through different framework, think about layout,
design and so on. Unfortunately, that lead me to thinking instead of writing. Honestly, I could spend days,
weeks thinking about the best colour palette. This would result in, probably, hopefully, I don't know what. A nicely coloured website?

So I decided that first things should come first, I'll start with my first blog post. At the moment of writing, I'm using Notion for the draft. Only when I'm finished, I'll sit down to coding. And if everything goes well, it won't be another abandonned blog.

Designing a website is hard, but what about frameworks? What's the best hosting provider? What should be my blog's name? What domain should I choose? So many choices, but all that matters in the end is either I write something or not.

I am subscribed to so many programming newsletters, which I don't have time to read regularly, but one of my favourties is The History of the Web by Jay Hoffman. As its name suggests, it's about the history of the web.
Each newsletter tells a story about a tiny part of the Internet.
How it was invented, what services, communities there were; which of them are gone, and which transformed into something different. Just like dinosaurs transformed into chickens. Erhm..not exactly like that, but these are just details.

What makes my heart warm is the emerging here and there belief that Web was made for everyone. It was a place for expressing your creativity. Just with HTML and CSS you could make your own web place, homepage.
There were Geocities, I must admit I didn't know about them until recently, which enabled people with different backgrounds to create their own internet homes. Witkacy, an extravagant, to put it lightly, Polish artist from the interwar period, wrote that
as long as you're sincere, honest while creating something, you can call this thing art. And I think that Geocities, and other websites of that time were art, because they showed expression of creativity of the people who made them.

I don't mean to say, that people nowadays don't make great things on the Web. They do. It's just that the old webistes give me feeling of unbashed creativity and fun. Like when you're a kid and not ashamed to make mistakes.

So why the blog? To have a place to share my less or more serious thoughts, to write about coding, to transform dinosaurs into chickens (not exactly).