Planted on: 20-01-2023
A Beginner's Guide to Eleventy - part two
As I have said in the previous part of our series, we'll talk today about Sass and layouts. Pure CSS is great, but sometimes you may need/want to use some extra features of Sass, so here's how you do it!.
In order to add scss files to your project you can either use built in functions, Eleventy supports Sass out of the box, or install one of the many plugins. You can check out Eleventy's documentation about adding Sass support. In this guide we'll be using Kentaro Imai's plugin - eleventy-sass. It's just a matter of preference, Whatever option you'll choose, it'll be fine.
npm install eleventy-sass
const eleventySass = require("eleventy-sass");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
This how your configuration in .eleventy.js should look like. I like to add PostCSS plugin to add some extra fromatting to my CSS files.
npm install postcss autoprefixer
and in the configuration file:
const eleventySass = require("eleventy-sass");
const postcss = require("postcss");
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(eleventySass, {
postcss: postcss([autoprefixer]),
The plugin will detect our scss files and put them inside _site in respective folders, for example assets/css/global.scss will end up in _site/assets/css/global.css. The autoprefixer plugin will add prefixes to declarations that need them. Like I said before, there are a few ways you can configure your Sass processing. Only recently I had the following configuration:
"watch:sass": "npx sass assets/css:_site/assets/css/ --watch",
"start": "npm run watch:eleventy & npm run watch:sass",
This is a snippet from my package.json, as you can see it is quite simple.
You don't want to write HTML for each of your posts or pages manually, this is where layouts come in. Layouts are stored in _includes folder by default. You can also store them in subdirectories. If you want to change the default settings, you can do it following Eleventy's docs.
Let's create our first layout. Create file postlayout.njk in _includes directory.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="{{description}}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
{% include '_navigation.njk' %}
<div class="post-content container">
{{content | safe}}
As you can see it's almost plain ol'HTML, but there are some small differences. We're inserting title and description from each post into our template. Content is our post content. We also add safe
filter to prevent double-escaping. For example, if we didn't use the filter, tags, and special characters in general, like <strong>
would be presented like this: <strong>
. But how does Eleventy know what's the title or description? Front matter.
Front matter
In the previous part of the guide I didn't explain what front matter is, sooo.. front matter is our meta data. We can use it in out templates things like titles, descriptions, dates, and other useful things. You open and close it with three dashes: ---
title: "Post title"
description: "Post description"
Some content
Using layouts
So how do we tell Eleventy, we want use a given layout? We can do this using front matter:
layout: postlayout.njk
title: "Page title"
You might ask: what if I don't want to set layout every time I write a new post? And that would be a very good question. Remember _posts.json in _posts folder?
"permalink": "/blog/{{ page.fileSlug }}/index.html",
"tags": ["posts"]
You can set here a layout which will be used for all posts, just like this:
"permalink": "/blog/eleventy-guide-part-one/index.html",
"tags": ["posts"],
"layout": "postslayout.njk"
Limiting the number of post you want to display
Let's get back for a moment to our homepage, where we are displaying newest posts. If you don't want to show all posts that you have ever published, you can limit the loop to 3/4 etc. most recent posts.
<ul class="post__list">
{%- for post in collections.posts | reverse -%}
{% if (loop.index <= 3) %}
<div class="post__date">
<a href="{{post.url}}">{{}}</a>
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
The loop goes through the posts, in a reverse order, see reverse
filter, and limits the output to three latest posts. You can provide a publication date in front matter, if you don't do that, file's (post's) creation date will be used instead.
Wrapping up
We've learned how to use Sass in our Eleventy project, and how to use layouts. I hope you enjoyed it, and that this short guide will be helpful to someone. If you haven any comments you can reach me by mail. You can also find me on Mastodon:{target=_blank}.